Shinkansen Nozomi is the Favorites Class

The Shinkansen Nozomi Train for Tokyo in Shin of Osaka.

For the Shinkansen Trains, there are three types; but some people call about this types as "class" : Nozomi, Hikari, and Kodama.

The meaning is hope, the Nozomi trains are the fastest trains on these lines. It will takes about 2.5 hours between Tokyo and Osaka, and roughly 5 hours from Tokyo all the way to Hakata (Fukuoka-Kyushu). This trains make only major stops such as Nagoya, Kyoto, Okayama and Hiroshima.

The meaning is light, it was the original Shinkansen trains on the Tokaido/Sanyo Line. Since the launch of the Nozomi trains, it now serves as the mid level and making a few more stops, but still very fast. Hikari trains traveling between Tokyo and Osaka in about three hours. The ticket price from Nagoya to Tokyo is about 10000 up to 12000 Japan Yen, it is around 100 US Dollar.

Kodama is the local version of the Shinkansen, the trains makes all primary and secondary stops, more stop than Hikari. But it is still fast, the trains will make stop in little station like : Odawara , Hakone Park and Mt. Fuji or Himeji.

In my opinion most of Japanese are prosperous, they don't care about trains ticket prices. They had an objectives of theirs travel; such as : business, privates that they may stop in certain station, or just make a picnic.

Hikari the Rail Star


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